Wireless superfast broadband place your order
1. Let's begin... what do your friends call you? |
Mr Mrs Miss Ms |
First name |
Surname |
2. Right then, your brand new modem. Where is it going to live? |
Your postcode (we'll do the rest) |
3. Which email address should we get you on? |
4. Please can we take a contact number? |
Mobile or landline |
5. Which service would you like? |
Unlimited 25Mbps - £30/month Unlimited 50Mbps - £40/month |
Standard installation for both services is £343 with a 12 month agreement. |
6. Agree to our terms and conditions |
Do you agree to our terms and conditions? |
Yes I do No I do not |
We promise not to pass on any of your contact details to third parties or use them for any purposes other than contacting you in connection with our broadband. |